You are here: Working with folders > About project folders > Unlinking from a master document

Unlinking from a master document

Unlinking from a master document can be useful if the project copy was originally made from a master document but the project copy should no longer be released as a revision of the master document but instead released as a new master document. Unlinking the project copy will remove from the master document the reference that was created when the project copy was made from the master document. Unlinking will also unlock the master document if it was locked when the project copy was made.

To unlink a project copy from a master document:

  1. Right-click the project copy that you want to unlink, point to Managed Change (Project), and then click Unlink from Master Document. A confirmation dialog may appear.
  2. Click Yes. The project copy is unlinked from the master document.


  1. Select the project copy that you want to unlink.
  2. In the Document ribbon, in the Links group, click Unlink from Master Document. A confirmation dialog may appear.
  3. Click Yes. The project copy is unlinked from the master document.

To unlink a project copy from a master document:

  1. Select the project copy that you want to unlink.
  2. From the Document menu, point to Managed Change (Master/Project Copy), and click Unlink from Master Document. A confirmation dialog may appear.
  3. Click Yes. The project copy is unlinked from the master document.

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About project folders

Understanding project definitions

Related tasks

Creating a new project folder

Copying a master document to a project

Showing project copies

Linking to a master document

Releasing a project copy as a new master document

Unlocking a master document

Unlocking a master document from the project copy

Unlocking a master document from the master document

Discarding a document from a project